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Animal Leadership
The Most Powerful FREE Online
Animal Personally Test

Have you ever wondered why you like doing this or don’t like doing that?
What animal are you? fill the form for reach us.


This guide is intended to help you get a jumpstart on the Animal Leadership system, and to help you quickly begin to be the leader of your own life. What does that mean? Well, many people walk through their lives on autopilot, not knowing what they want or never deciding to take action to achieve their desires. I don’t want this for you, and I know you’re not the kind of person who would tolerate this. In nature animals that live their lives in a lackadaisical haze do not survive – they fail the game of life. You are obviously a survivor, and it is in your nature to succeed. I want you to have the tools you need to maximize your success so you can thrive! The Animal Leadership system will provide these tools. This guide is only the beginning; there is much more to be revealed as you continue to learn from the materials I will send you. You will learn that as long as you pay attention, and implement this system in your life, success is natural.


Eagles sit high above until it is time for them to dive in and make their move.


Bears assertively go for what they want with or without the help of others.


Wolves excite the pack to build a team that helps bring down large prey.


Horses stick together, looking out for one another, and travel a proven path.

Knowing who you are is the Key to your Leadership Potential
Have You Ever Wondered…!

Learn your personality and how to recognize others too so you can play to your strengths.

Animal Leadership is a system that naturally brings out your best so you can live the life of your dreams and become the leader that others are so badly looking for.

Animal Leadership is based on the similarities found between the people and wildlife species. Former wildlife ecologist turned businessman, Rad Watkins, developed the personality assessment based on animal species he has worked with and their close relationships to people he has helped lead. Rad believes knowing how to play to your strengths and relating to others is essential to your success.

The Animal Leadership system disregards all the complex and rigorous tactics that so many people teach, and focuses on what we all need to know to naturally excel in our careers, home life, and relationships. It allows you to be the leader of your own life and a leader that can help others reach their goals.

If you ever feel like you are not cutout for the job at hand, that is probably because you are trying to do it like someone else. We don’t all do things in the same way and until you learn how to do things the way that comes naturally to you, you will never reach your full potential. Learning your Animal Personality will allow you to focus on your strengths, avoid the traps that are set for you, and interact with others better.

The Animal Leadership system has been brought into many businesses and schools across the country, including the U.S. Small Business Administration, who used Animal Leadership as the bases for their team building retreat. The system, based on identify your personality and recognizing that of others, allows employers to have greater employee engagement and employee retention. Simply by understanding that diversity exists and respecting how other people learn, communicate, and interact, allows you to be more effective in team building.

If you are in sales, Animal Leadership is a must. Trying to do the hard sell is distasteful and frankly ineffective. Knowing the personality of a client or customer allows you to provide then information in the way they like to have it. Because it is not overly complicated, Animal Leadership is the best personality test for sales people. It provided

Of course you are! Think about it, you are in charge of your life. You will drive the person you become and you have a lot to share with the world. Take the Animal Leadership (HYPRE LINK) personality test and discover your leadership style. As soon as you start living YOU, life becomes easier and others look to you for your leadership.

You will get a wealth of FREE Animal Leadership personality resources if you take the test, but if that is not enough, you are welcome to purchase the book, Animal Leadership: Leadership Lessons Learned from Wildlife for Leading Yourself and Others, by Rad Watkins. Rad Watkins brings Animal Leadership to organizations as a professional keynote speaker and leadership trainer. Occasionally Rad has an opening for coaching clients if you want to go deep into your personality and change your life. Take the test and feel free to contact us.

Knowing who you are is the key to performance, relationships, and happiness in both your personal and professional life.Have fun getting to know you!

Leadership Survey

The animal leadership survey that the 70 participants took created “buzz” before the event. We received fantastic feedback! It was an excellent way to begin the day and the conversation about our “animal personalities” lasted throughout the event.

“If you are in sales, Animal Leadership is a must. Trying to do the hard sell is distasteful and frankly ineffective. Knowing the personality of a client or customer allows me to provide them information in the way they like to have it.“