Animal Leadership was created by Rad Watkins
Rad Watkins is a wildlife ecologist, award winning conservationist, and the author of Animal Leadership: Leadership Lessons Learned from Wildlife for Leading Yourself and Others. He has spent over 18 years working with natural resources and as an ecologist in some of the wildest places in America’s Lower 48 States.
Rad has worked with multiple government agencies, universities, not-for-profit organizations, and as a corporate manager in the environmental consulting field. He has coordinated professionals and community volunteers alike. Rad has developed broad-scale strategic management plans for natural resources and has worked with wildlife species such as grizzly bears, grey wolves, and bald eagles. Rad’s job titles ranged from Senior Scientist, to Education and Outreach Director, illustrating his love of communicating his knowledge of science and nature to help people understand our world better.

After working with so many different individuals and coordinating groups, Rad found parallels between human personalities and animal behavior. Rad then developed the Animal Leadership system, which allows people to understand who they are, how to play to their strengths, and bring out the best in others as a true leader. Rad created the Animal Leadership personality test and made it available on the webpage allowing people to find out what sort of animal personality they have. The power of personality assessments is not to be ignored and has helped many people realize their leadership potential. Using the Animal Leadership system, Rad Watkins has given many talks on leadership and team building, with clients saying they “chose Rad because the way he framed leadership principles in relation to wild animals was different and memorable.” Animal Leadership just might help you too.
Because Rad thought it would not be good to raise a family while chasing grizzly bears with blood lure on his back, Rad retired from the wildlife field. After a successful first career in natural resource conservation, Rad wanted to test what he learned developing Animal Leadership in the business world. He used a real estate business as his lab to see how the system worked! Over several years Rad developed a successful real estate business where his work was made efficient by thinking of his customers and clients as one of each of the four Animal Leadership personalities. By knowing how people liked to have information presented to them and what really got them excited, Rad was able to serve them better, more efficiently, and have more free time to engage in his other passions, like family, hiking and training horses. The evidence is in, Animal Leadership worked for sales and to create better, more willing teams!
As a volunteer, Rad has served on many none-profit boards, government committees, and even spent time as the Chairman of two public charter schools. Rad feels that volunteering to make the world a better place is everyone’s responsibility, and he is just glad he designed his life in a way he has so much time to do so.
Rad would like you to learn how to use the powerful tools that have become to be known as Animal Leadership. Let the tools he provides help you become more efficient, bring people together, play to your strengths, and be a leader that can bring the best out of others. Follow Rad’s adventures exploring the natural world, working with people and animals by signing up for the newsletter and reading his blog, and of course, MAKE SURE YOU KNOW YOUR ANIMAL PERSONALITY by taking the Animal Leadership personality assessment
Are you the Bear, Wolf, Mustang, or Eagle?
Mouse over an icon to learn more about each personality type.
Bears assertively go for what they want with or without the help of others.
Wolves excite the pack to build a team that helps bring down large prey.
Horses stick together, looking out for one another, and travel a proven path.
Eagles sit high above until it is time for them to dive in and make their move.