Animal Leadership Blog


Efficiency Means Using Your Wolf Pack

So I have really come in late with this weeks blog, and those who are serious bloggers tell me that is a bad thing! Here is the deal. I have excuses, although I am not going to hide behind them, I will just say that I have been busy and I made other things a…

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The Horse Personality and Leadership Qualities

This video blog is about working with horse people or utilizing your strengths if you yourself are a horse person. If you don’t know what you are you need to go to and take your free Animal Leadership personality test. If you have taken your personality test and you know how to play to…

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Good Bye Old Friend

Late last week we had to say good bye to an old friend, our dog Ari. Ari was an almost 16 year old Siberian Husky. Ari belonged to my wife before we ever met. My wife had sort of rescued Ari as a puppy because some friends found out they could not handle the wild energy…

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The Woman Married a Bear

Here is a fun little story from the book Animal Leadership: Leadership Lessons Learned from Wildlife for Leading Yourself and Others, by Rad Watkins. There is an American Indian story about a woman who gets lost and meets a handsome man just before it gets dark. He takes her back to his home and introduces…

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How to influence, negotiate, connect with others, and build relationships using the Animal Leadership system

Here is what you need to know about naturally relating to people’s animal personalities so that you can connect, influence, negotiate, and build relationships.

As the book explains, bear people are independent, result-seeker. They are not focused on the niceties of a presentation, but rather the bottom-line results being offered. Wolf people are fun loving and social. They are most concerned with knowing that the process will be fun, playful, and will involve others. Eagle people are interested in making the right decision, and they want a proven system or plan in place before they take action. Finally, the horse people value security and the companionship of their herd. They want to know things will work out, and they will look to the actions of those around them to determine if an appeal is appropriate to act on.

You can see that what might help you to connect with a bear person, does not necessarily make an negotiation appealing to a horse person.

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Be the Wolf

In the book, Animal Leadership:Leadership Lessons Learned from Wildlife for Leading Yourself and Others, by Rad Watkins, I show that to really accomplish your greatest desires you need to get excited like the wolf. There are two parts to this approach, and it is the second that I would like to discuss with you today.…

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Make 2011 Your Year

Happy New Year! Here in Northern Wisconsin it is zero degrees and the snow is blowing sideways through the pines; it is a great way start the new year. New Year’s Day is a time people are always thinking about personal development and New Year’s resolutions. Unfortunately most people will give up and never achieve…

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